Submit Blog posts Directly To Google Plus

by Dinesh 2012-07-23 18:06:12

Submit Blog posts Directly To Google Plus

Some Conditions!

1. This is trick is only meant for Blogger blogs(Upgraded version and not the old one) only.
2. Make sure you’ve an activated, verified email ID with your Google Profile ID.
3. Google Plus account and Blogger blog account should be associated with same Google Account.
Login to your Blogger blog account, click wrench icon, and choose “Connect to Google+” from the drop down menu.


You’ll be redirected to, now please with a cold heart, read all those instructions and important notes given there. And that’s a request. Do read it!


Check the box that says “I’ve read the above and fully understand that my public Google+ profile will now be associated with all of my blogs, and I’m ready to switch to Google+ profile on Blogger.” and click “SWITCH NOW” button.

Once done, you’ll be asked to reconfirm your identify by logging into your Google account again. So login to your Google Plus account and confirm that you own that Blogger blog and want to enjoy the effortless sharing of Blogger blog posts to Google Plus directly.


Upon confirmation, there you’ll find a Google Plus button at the bottom of every Blogger blog posts, which you’ll be using for sharing your blog posts directly to your Google Plus profile.

Either hit that Google Plus button or hover and wait for the share pop up to appear using which you can add customized message along with your Blogger blog posts.

So that’s how you can share your Blogger blog posts directly to your Google Plus profile without having to follow any tantrums and without having to visit your Google Plus profile just for the sake of promoting blog posts.

So that’s really a good news for bloggers using Blogger as a blogging platform. Enjoy!

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