GET your friend's Passwords Using USB(Pen Drive)

by Prabakaran 2012-08-01 15:30:13

Are you looking for hack passowrds of your friends ? Hacking passwords or any information can be done in various ways. Here i am showing you the way how to hack passwords from anyone's Computer using USB(pendrives). Please follow the below steps to hack passwords or stealing information from your friends's computer or any computer.
Download this software:

Are you looking for hack passowrds of your friends ? Hacking passwords or any information can be done in various ways. Here i am showing you the way how to hack passwords from anyone's Computer using USB(pendrives). Please follow the below steps to hack passwords or stealing information from your friends's computer or any computer.
Download this software:
1). Extract it.

2). Open pcinfo.

3). Select all the files and paste it in ur USB(pendrive).

4). Plug in the USB in PC you want to hack.

5). Open the USB drive, give it 2 sec and your job is done…

Now open the dump folder in ur pc and you will have all the info you want.
Note: If antivirus is installed in computer than you need to click on nircmd.exe


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