Hearts should fill with charity, happiness, bliss

by Sanju 2010-01-03 23:33:26

It was just a few weeks back, that we had shared with all of you a story," How Much Land Does A Man Need? What do u think?
How should we live? Live only confined to our homes, needs, wealth assets? The answer is a big 'NO'. We should live in such a way that people remember us even after our breathing ceases. Anybody can live selfishly, but to live with liveliness and spreading sunshine into others lives is as important as how people remember you after your death.
"It is more blessed to give than to receive" read this and I promise u shall soon begin a charitable act to make people remember for time and ages to go.
There was once a man who was very rich and very miserly at the same time. The villagers disliked him intensely. One day he said to them, "Either you're jealous of me or you don't understand my love of money-God alone knows. But you dislike me; that much I know. When I die, I won't take anything with me. I will leave it all for others. I will make a will, and I will give everything to charity. Then everyone will be happy." Even then people mocked and laughed at him. The rich man said to them, "What is the matter with you? Can't you wait a few years to see my money go to charity?" The villagers didn't believe him. He said, "Do you think I'm immortal? I'll die like everyone else, and then my money will go to charities." He couldn't understand why they didn't believe him.
One day he went for a walk. All of a sudden it started raining heavily, so he took shelter under a tree. Under this tree he saw a pig and a cow. The pig and the cow entered into conversation, and the man overheard what they were saying. The cow said to the pig, "Look, I give them milk while I'm alive. They see that I am generous with what I have. But you don't give them anything while you're alive. Only after you're dead do you give ham, bacon and so forth. People don't believe in the future; they believe in the present. If you give while you are alive, people will appreciate you. It is quite simple."
From that moment on, the rich man gave all he had to the poor.

Charity lives an eternal life even after we cease. People remember us through what we have given to the society and around us, not what we hoard and keep it for ourselves. I have learnt this, take a look back on which you have hoarded so far; don't stop. Begin your life by living for others. "Happy Starting of your Lives Again"
Let your purse go empty but make your hearts filled with charity, happiness, bliss.

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