Copy Command Prompt Output

by satheeshkumar 2012-08-15 22:07:50

Copy Command Prompt Output,

Windows 7 command prompt can be used with a clip utility that can used to copy the contents of the command prompt output into clipboard.

It is very much similar like the way tee command works in UNIX.

Tee command pipelines the output of a command in UNIX to another file. In Windows 7 we can use the "Clip" utility to copy the text of command prompt. Adding clip next to any command copy the output.

Syntax for Clipping the Command prompt output: “Command | clip” .You need to type the command followed by Clip in the Command prompt.

e.g. > f:dir | clip will copy the output of the command in clipboard; though it won‟t be displayed .You can further paste the “clapboarded text” to notepad or WordPad.

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