PHP Calendar Functions

by Dinesh 2012-08-28 09:59:03

PHP Calendar Functions

cal_days_in_month() Returns the number of days in a month for a specified year and calendar
cal_from_jd() Converts a Julian day count into a date of a specified calendar
cal_info() Returns information about a given calendar
cal_to_jd() Converts a date to Julian day count
easter_date() Returns the Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a specified year
easter_days() Returns the number of days after March 21, on which Easter falls for a specified year
FrenchToJD() Converts a French Republican date to a Julian day count
GregorianToJD() Converts a Gregorian date to a Julian day count
JDDayOfWeek() Returns the day of a week
JDMonthName() Returns a month name
JDToFrench() Converts a Julian day count to a French Republican date
JDToGregorian() Converts a Julian day count to a Gregorian date
jdtojewish() Converts a Julian day count to a Jewish date
JDToJulian() Converts a Julian day count to a Julian date
jdtounix() Converts a Julian day count to a Unix timestamp
JewishToJD() Converts a Jewish date to a Julian day count
JulianToJD() Converts a Julian date to a Julian day count
unixtojd() Converts a Unix timestamp to a Julian day count

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