Dollar up and rupee down

by saravana 2012-08-28 14:47:08


1 U.S. dollar = 55.4200842
why should we increase Indian rupee value against dollar?

See the one side one glass of water in the time when you are thirsty and there is no water near you. See the other side 1 kg Gold. If you have to choose one thing for getting other thing, then what will you choose. Sure, you will choose water because you can not live without this. Its value is more than 1 kg Gold. But, we are seeing that water gets free of cost and we have to pay Rs. 30,00,000 for getting 1 kg. gold. So, theory applies on India Rupee value. It is pure water. We are giving it to USA at very very under value. It is insult of our India that USA country is valuing our Rupee one as 1/ 54 or 0.0185 paise.
When, God has given equal opportunities to rise, then how can any economics demand and supply game stops the progress of one country by decreasing its currency value.
Human capital will not go USA when Indian 1Rupee will equal to 54 $

Be Indian and Buy Indian, we have to buy the product which is produced in India and whose profit is used in India for India's development.

We have to stop buying all zero technology products from USA. All these zero technology products are devil for reducing our currency's power.

When we will become water. Our value will be more than Gold and diamond because without this no one can live. Our Indian currency represents our own value. So, start to try to uplift your value.

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