Sorting Arrays

by Dinesh 2012-08-29 23:19:00

Sorting Arrays

The predominant requirement that has to be made for sorting methods on arrays is an economical use of the available store. This implies that the permutation of items which brings the items into order has to be performed in situ, and that methods which transport items from an array a to a result array b are intrinsically of minor interest. Having thus restricted our choice of methods among the many possible solutions by the criterion of economy of storage, we proceed to a first classification according to their efficiency, i.e., their economy of time. A good measure of efficiency is obtained by counting the numbers C of needed key comparisons and M of moves (transpositions) of items. These numbers are functions of the number n of items to be sorted. Whereas good sorting algorithms require in the order of n*log(n) comparisons, we first discuss several simple and obvious sorting techniques, called straight methods, all of which require in the order n2 comparisons of keys. There are three good reasons for presenting straight methods before proceeding to the faster algorithms.

1. Straight methods are particularly well suited for elucidating the characteristics of the major sorting principles.

2. Their programs are easy to understand and are short. Remember that programs occupy storage as well!

3. Although sophisticated methods require fewer operations, these operations are usually more complex in their details; consequently, straight methods are faster for sufficiently small n, although they must not be used for large n.

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