Backup Bookmarks from Firefox

by Dinesh 2012-08-29 23:41:12

Backup Bookmarks from Firefox

1. Open Firefox, click on Bookmarks (Menu bar), and click on Show All Bookmarks. You could also press Ctrl+Shift+B in Firefox instead.

2. In the Firefox Library window, click on the Import and Backup toolbar button, then click on Export HTML.

3. 3. Navigate to your Desktop, type in a name (ex: Firefox_Bookmarks), then click on the Save button. You can name the HTML file anything that will help make it easier for you to know what it's for and when it was created later.

4. Close both the Firefox and Firefox Library windows above.

5. Move the exported HTML file to where you like for safe keeping as your Firefox Bookmarks backup. This HTML file is your Firefox bookmarks.

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