Text Shortcuts - Apple Mac

by Sanju 2012-09-03 12:33:59

Text Shortcuts - Apple Mac

These shortcuts can be used within all text areas in Cocoa applications.

option-left arrow move left one word
option-right arrow move right one word
control-delete delete accent to left
option-delete back delete one word
shift-option-delete foward delete one word (equivalent to option-del)
option-up arrow move up one paragraph
option-down arrow move down one paragraph
command-up arrow move to beginning of all text
command-down arrow move to end of all text
control-left arrow move to start of current line
command-left arrow
control-right arrow move to end of current line
command-right arrow
shift + any of the above extend selection by appropriate amount
click then drag select text
double-click then drag select text, wrapping to word ends
triple-click then drag select text, wrapping to paragraph ends
shift-select text with mouse add to selection (contiguous)
command-select text with mouse add to selection (non-contiguous)
option-drag select rectangular area (non-contiguous)
command-option-drag add rectangular area to selection
drag selection move text
option-drag selection copy text
command-control-D use the dictionary to look up the word under the mouse pointer
escape show auto-complete list for word (equivalent to F5 or option-escape)
control-A move to start of current paragraph
control-B move left one character
control-D forwards delete
control-E move to end of current paragraph
control-F move right one character
control-H delete
control-K delete remainder of current paragraph
control-N move down one line
control-O insert new line after cursor
control-P move up one line
control-T transpose (swap) two surrounding character
control-V move to end, then left one character
control-Y paste text previously deleted with control-K

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