Difference between HTML & DHTML
by Prabakaran[ Edit ] 2012-09-06 12:30:14
1. It is referred as a static HTML and static in nature.
2.A plain page without any styles and Scripts called as HTML.
3.HTML sites will be slow upon client-side technologies.
1.It is referred as a dynamic HTML and dynamic in nature.
2.A page with HTML, CSS, DOM and Scripts called as DHTML.
3.DHTML sites will be fast enough upon client-side technologies.
XHTML is HTML (but also XML)
It's just a dialect of HTML that conforms to the syntax rules of XML. Javascript is not part of the XHTML specification (or any HTML specification).
DHTML is HTML + Javascript
It stands for Dynamic HTML, and Javascript adds the dynamic part. The HTML part can also be the dialect XHTML.