Reboot Mac OS X from the Command Line

by Vickram H 2012-09-07 18:27:49

Reboot Mac OS X from the Command Line:

Rebooting a Mac from the command line is fairly simple, though most users are best served just using the standard Apple menu method. Nonetheless, using the terminal command can be an invaluable trick for troubleshooting purposes, remote systems administration and management through SSH, and a number of other reasons.

From the OS X Terminal type the following:

sudo shutdown -r now

Enter the administrator password when requested in order to use sudo.

The Mac will be immediately restarted regardless of what’s going on, so be sure not to use this if important documents are open and you have something like auto-save turned off.

You can add a message to the reboot notice for those logged in through SSH by adding a quote at the end like so:

sudo shutdown -r now "Rebooting Now for


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