List of some Apache Variables

by ArulKumar 2008-06-05 14:08:30

Variable Description

DOCUMENT_ROOT Document root

HTTP_ACCEPT Accept header of an HTTP request

HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING Accepted encoding (deflate or gzip)

HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE Accept-Language from HTTP header

HTTP_CONNECTION Connection header of the HTTP request

HTTP_HOST Internet host

HTTP_USER_AGENT Client initiating web request

PATH Directories the server looks

REMOTE_ADDR Address of the client

REMOTE_PORT Port of client

SCRIPT_FILENAME Absolute path of script

SERVER_ADDR Server's address

SERVER_ADMIN Admin of server

SERVER_NAME Server name set

SERVER_PORT Port the web server is running on

SERVER_SIGNATURE Version of the server software

SERVER_SOFTWARE Server's identification string, found in HTTP header

GATEWAY_INTERFACE Version of the CGI spec used

SERVER_PROTOCOL Protocol server is currently using

REQUEST_METHOD Request method, such as GET, PUT, POST, etc.

QUERY_STRING Query string if one exists

REQUEST_URI Uniform Resource Identifier

SCRIPT_NAME Path and name for the current script

PATH_TRANSLATED Absolute path on the web server's file system

PHP_SELF Location of PHP script relative to document root

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