What's 3D Rendering
by Preetha[ Edit ] 2012-09-10 14:58:09
Blender is not strictly a video editor as much as a 3D rendering application, but it does both. Long the poor second cousin to Maya Extreme, Blender has continued to improve over the years and has found its way into more professional productions. Blender's strength is the ability to model a scene with different lighting angles and animation and runs on multiple operating systems.
Still Photography
For a long time only available on Linux, DigiKam is now available on Linux, Mac and Windows. DigiKam natively handles my Canon CR2 RAW format and allows you to edit RAW or JPEG images non-destructively.
DigiKam is popular enough to convince commercial software vendor Corel to release a Linux version of AfterShot Pro.
Whether you stick with one of these open source apps or switch to a commercial product, it doesn't cost you anything to try one of these alternatives.