10 Differences Between MAC & PC

by Subramanian 2012-09-10 16:53:01

<font color=#0033CC><font size=4>1. DESIGN.</font></font>
For the better part of three decades, former Apple CEO Steve Jobs focused on the outward appearance of his company's products with an enthusiasm unmatched by his competitors. The unique designs that resulted from this obsession have given Mac products the "hip" image that they enjoy today.
<font size=4><font color=#0033CC>2. PRICE.</font></font>
Few Mac products sell for less than $1,000, while there are dozens of PC models that fall within that price range. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that Macs are more expensive than PCs with similar specifications. Rather, in general, Apple has chosen to build its Mac line around higher-end computers with better -- and more costly – component
<font size=4><font color=#0033CC>3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.</font></font>
Generally Macs have faster processors than their Windows counterparts but tend to skimp slightly when it comes to RAM, hard disk space and USB ports.
<font size=4><font color=#0033CC>4. CHOICE.</font> </font>
Perhaps the most obvious difference between a Mac and a PC is the number of configurations available for each brand. Currently, Apple offers just five computer lines, while PCs come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.
<font size=4><font color=#0033CC>5. AVAILABILITY.</font></font>
When it comes to third-party retail stores, Apple is more selective than the PC manufacturers about where it will sell its products. So while you might not see an Apple computer in your local computer shop, you'll see dozens of Windows PCs.
<font size=4><font color=#0033CC>6. OPERATING SYSTEMS.</font> </font>
Currently, Mac computers are preinstalled with OS X Lion, while PCs come with Microsoft Windows 7. Between 2007 and 2009, when Windows Vista was Microsoft's operating system, OS X was widely regarded as the better of the two software packages. However, Microsoft has made significant improvements in the stability and performance of Windows 7, making the current choice more a matter of personal preference in terms of functionality and layout.
<font size=4><font color=#0033CC>7. USERS.</font></font>
Mac users will bring up concepts like security, usability and design. PC owners will counter with price, software compatibility and choice.
<font size=4><font color=#0033CC>8. SOFTWARE.</font></font>
One of the most important reasons Mac hasn't captured a larger share of the computer market is the lack of software written for its operating system. This insufficiency is most obvious in business computing, where most applications were standardized on Windows PCs years ago.
<font size=4><font color=#0033CC>9. SECURITY.</font></font>
Another big difference between Mac and PC is the level of security you can expect from viruses and other unwanted intrusions. Because the vast majority of the world's computers run Microsoft Windows, most attacks focus on PCs.
<font size=4><font color=#0033CC>10. CONSUMER SATISFACTION.</font></font>
Probably the most striking difference between Macs and PCs is in customer satisfaction. In the most recent surveys conducted by both PCWorld and PCMag, readers chose Apple computers over every single brand of PC available. Macs scored high marks in categories like reliability, service experience and even phone hold time. The only category in which Mac scored low was percentage of laptops needing repairs.

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