Possible Solutions For JDBC – SQL Server Connection Problem

by Subramanian 2012-09-13 09:50:23

1. Enable SQL Server Network Configuration
- For this, go to Start Menu => Microsoft SQL Server 2008 => Configuration Tools => SQL Server Configuration Manager
- Go to SQL Server Network Configuration => Protocols for [Instance Name] => TCP/IP
- Instance name is the one in which you have created your database. By default it will be SQLEXPRESS
- Make it enable (if disabled)

2. Check the port on which SQL server is running

- For this, go to Start Menu => Microsoft SQL Server 2008 => Configuration Tools => SQL Server Configuration Manager
- Go to SQL Server Network Configuration => Protocols for [Instance Name] => TCP/IP
- Instance name is the one in which you have created your database. By default it will be SQLEXPRESS
- Right click on that and Go to Properties => IP Addresses tab => IP All section
- There you will find TCP Dynamic Ports property and we have to consider that port number instead of default port 1433

3. If you still facing the issue then please check Registry
- Go to Start Menu => run => regedit
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.[Instance Name]\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp\IPAll and check the value of key TcpDynamicPorts. we have to consider that port number instead of default port 1433

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