Run PHP Program Through Command Prompt

by Subramanian 2012-09-14 16:51:54

Getting PHP to run from the command line can be performed without making any changes to Windows.

C:\PHP5\php.exe -f "C:\PHP Scripts\script.php" -- -arg1 -arg2 -arg3

Add the location of the PHP executable (php.exe, php-win.exe or php-cli.exe depending upon your PHP version and display preferences) to the PATH environment variable. Read more about how to add your PHP directory to PATH .

Add the .PHP extension to the PATHEXT environment variable. This can be done at the same time as amending the PATH environment variable. Follow the same steps as described in the FAQ but amend the PATHEXT environment variable rather than the PATH environment variable.


The position in which you place the .PHP will determine which script or program is executed when there are matching filenames. For example, placing .PHP before .BAT will cause your script to run, rather than the batch file, if there is a batch file with the same name.

Associate the .PHP extension with a file type. This is done by running the following command:

assoc .php=phpfile

Associate the phpfile file type with the appropriate PHP executable. This is done by running the following command:

ftype phpfile="C:\PHP5\php.exe" -f "%1" -- %~2

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