by barkkathulla 2012-09-15 09:27:25

<font color=#000080>SECRET OF MAKE A MONEY</font>

Let me be clear. You can make money by talking to every person you run into and pitching them your business. Just by sheer numbers, that will work, eventually. However, if you know these 2 secrets of how to make money, it is a formula, that, if followed over a period of time, you will make money, and lots of it.
Who Doesn’t Know the Methods of Making Money?
I have been saying this and saying this but few seem to listen so I will be very, very clear in this post on how to make money. The value you put into the marketplace will dictate if you should be making more money or not. In this realm of online and or network marketing, those that put out more value, simply make more money. After I describe what value is and how to gauge it, I have a quick exercise for you at the bottom of this post. (Exercise #3)
Secret #1 – Who is Your Target Market or Perfect Person?
Yesterday I spoke on sales and marketing at an event where each attendee paid $1,500 per person to get better at sales and marketing. When I asked this question, not one person in the audience could answer it directly. In ALL of your marketing, you should have a target that your marketing speaks to, and if you don’t, that means you are trying to talk to everybody and if you try to talk to everybody you will attract NOBODY. How can you possibly build a business where you don’t clearly know who you are trying to attract? In your pursuit of money, this is a critical step. Know exactly, the more specific the better, who you WANT to work with and write all your marketing to that perfect prospect. See exercise #1 for help with identifying your perfect person.
Secret #2 – Solve Their Problems
You may have heard me talk about value in the marketplace. Well, what is it exactly? I see value in the marketplace as solving the problem(s) of your perfect person. After identifying who your target market is, choose to create content, widgets, videos, audios, solutions to help them solve their problems. This makes you more VALUABLE because you have given them value. This can be done with events, webinars, blogs, articles, etc. Some target markets have a lot of pain that you can talk to, others may be as simple as how to market their product. Every niche and market has problems, you have to be willing to attempt to solve them. In exercise #2 I give you a way to help you with solving your target markets problems.


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