15 Facts About Universe

by Sanju 2010-01-04 20:27:30

1. What happens if sun stops to shine suddenly? You will be able to realize that sun has stopped shining only after 8 minutes as the time duration for the light from the sun to reach the earth is 8 minutes.

2. Do you know how many stars our galaxy holds? Our galaxy has about 100,000,000,000 stars. Therefore, one can see roughly about 3,000 stars even on a clear night.

3. Did you see the Halley’s Comet in the year 1986? I think none of us who saw the Halley’s Comet in the year 1986 will be able to see it again as Halley’s Comet will be seen every 76 years.

4. If you are in moon, your weight will be 1/6th of the weight in earth. For example, if you weigh 50 kg in earth, your weight on moon would be 8.333 kg. Isn’t this a nice way to reduce our weight? Just kidding…

5. Did you know that the magnetic poles of sun switches every eleven days? This is referred to as “Solarmax.”

6. Take a wild guess on how many earth can fit inside sun, Jupiter and Saturn. Sun can hold 1 million earth, Jupiter can hold 1300 earth and Saturn can hold 800 earth; isn’t this fact incredible?

7. Every year moon moves 3 cm away from our earth.

8. In North Pole, it is not possible to see the sun for 186 days.

9. All planets in the solar system moves from east to west except Venus.

10. Jupiter has the fastest moon. It revolves Jupiter within a span of 7 hours.

11. The life expectancy of sun is 11 billion years.

12. Every 250 million years, sun and other planets of our solar system orbits around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way.

13. It is found that Milky Way galaxy and Andromeda galaxy will collide roughly after 3 billion years.

14. Hottest planet of our solar system is Venus.

15. Brightest star that you would see during night is Sirius.

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