Credit card fraud detection using genetic algorithm-neural network

by barkkathulla 2012-09-18 09:21:36

<font color=#003366>Credit card fraud detection using genetic algorithm-neural network</font>
Fields used in detecting credit card fraud
The following fields are:
1 Credit card ID.
2 Pin number.
3 Current book balance.
4 Current usage.
5 Average book balance.
6 Overdraft.
7 Credit card age.
8 Card used today.
9 Location.
10 Amount of transaction.

GA(n, χ, µ)
// Initialise generation 0:
k := 0;
Pk := a population of n randomly-generated individuals;
// Evaluate Pk:
Compute fitness(i) for each i ∈ Pk;
{ // Create generation k + 1:
// 1. Copy:
Select (1 − χ) × n members of Pk and insert into Pk+1;
// 2. Crossover:
Select χ × n members of Pk; pair them up; produce offspring; insert
the offspring into Pk+1;
// 3. Mutate:
Select µ × n members of Pk+1; invert a randomly-selected bit in each;
// Evaluate Pk+1:
Compute fitness(i) for each i ∈ Pk;
// Increment:
k := k + 1;
while fitness of fittest individual in Pk is not high enough;
return the fittest individual from Pk;

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