Delayed-Insert Thread States in mysql

by satheeshkumar 2012-09-19 23:39:08

Delayed-Insert Thread States in mysql ,

States associated with a connection thread that processes an INSERT DELAYED statement from the client:

->allocating local table
The thread is preparing to feed rows to the delayed-insert handler thread.

->Creating delayed handler
The thread is creating a handler for DELAYED inserts.

->got handler lock
This occurs before the allocating local table state and after the waiting for handler lock state, when the connection thread gets access to the delayed-insert handler thread.

->got old table
This occurs after the waiting for handler open state. The delayed-insert handler thread has signaled that it has ended its initialization phase, which includes opening the table for delayed inserts.

->storing row into queue
The thread is adding a new row to the list of rows that the delayed-insert handler thread must insert.

->waiting for delay_list
This occurs during the initialization phase when the thread is trying to find the delayed-insert handler thread for the table, and before attempting to gain access to the list of delayed-insert threads.

->waiting for handler insert
An INSERT DELAYED handler has processed all pending inserts and is waiting for new ones.

->waiting for handler lock
This occurs before the allocating local table state when the connection thread waits for access to the delayed-insert handler thread.

->waiting for handler open
This occurs after the Creating delayed handler state and before the got old table state. The delayed-insert handler thread has just been started, and the connection thread is waiting for it to initialize.

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