Special future OPC Tool box in matlab!!!

by barkkathulla 2012-09-20 14:39:22

<font color=#003366>OPC TOOLBOX IN MATLAB</font>

OPC Toolbox⢠software is a collection of functions that extend the capability of the MATLAB® environment. Using OPC Toolbox functions and blocks, you can acquire live OPC data directly into MATLAB and Simulink, and write data directly to the OPC server from MATLAB and Simulink. OPC Toolbox software implements a hierarchical object-oriented approach to communicating with OPC servers using the OPC Data Access Standard. Using toolbox functions, you create an OPC Data Access Client object that represents the connection between MATLAB and an OPC server. Based on this properties of the opcda client object you can control various aspects of the communication link, such as time out periods, connection status, and storage of events associated with that client. Connecting to OPC Servers describes how to create opcda objects.Once you establish a connection to an OPC server, you create Data Access Group objects that represent collections of OPC Data Access Items. You then add Data Access Item objects to that group, for monitoring server item values from the OPC server and writing values to the OPC server. You can use the dagroup object to perform such actions as determining how often the items in the group must be updated, executing a MATLAB function when the server provides notification of changes in item state, and other tasks related to the group. Creating OPC Toolbox Objects describes how to create and configure dagroup objects and add daitem objects to a group.
The OPC Data Access Standard does not provide access to historical data. (While the OPC Foundation has defined the Historical Data Access specification for access to historical data, a significant number of Data Access servers do not support this standard.) Using OPC Toolbox software, you can log records (a list of items that have changed, and their new values) from an OPC Data Access Server to disk or to memory, for later processing. The logging task is controlled by the dagroup object. Logging OPC Server Data describes how to log data using the OPC Toolbox logging mechanism.
To work with the data you acquire, you must bring it into the MATLAB workspace. When the records are acquired, the toolbox stores them in a memory buffer or on disk. The toolbox provides several ways to bring one or more records of data into the workspace where you can analyze or visualize the data. Working with OPC Data describes the different data formats and their application.
You can enhance your OPC application by using event callbacks. The toolbox has defined certain OPC Toolbox software occurrences, such as the start of an acquisition task, as well as OPC server initiated occurrences, such as notification that an item's state has changed, as events. You can associate the execution of a particular function with a particular event. Using Events and Callbacks describes this process.

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