The proposed E-Glass works through an electronic circuit to scan and to collect information about the entire objects using ultrasonic signals (echo system) such as the one used for a radar system. This electronic circuit could be developed to be used by the blind.
The E-glass system for the blind could be built utilizing the communication passive signal theory between the environment and the blind persons see. The passive signal sends and receives data to and from the objects. The signals will analyze these objects based on the length of the collected signals per a time using a quantization sampling signal.
The analyzed data can then be used by the voice circuit by comparing this collected data with the predefined conditions on the voice circuit or system threshold (B. Gold and N. Morgan 2000). This will allow taking decisions by the proposed system to give different types of alarms.
The E-Glass research is to build a discipline view between the engineering and medical fields and utilizes this discipline to help blind persons. This E-Glass system is composed of software based on the artificial intelligence programming capabilities and hardware components to install these programs.
The software use VHDL (verlog hardware Description language) programming to define the functionality of the re-programmable microcontroller; this is considered as the brain of the E-Glass system.
The hardware is composed of two electronic circuits systems. The first electronic circuit is composed of two radars build on a PCP card see figure 2 and the second electronic circuit is composed of a wire or a wireless voice chip.
This E-Glass receives the information from the two radars systems that are embedded into the E-Glass.
This information will be analyzed in the artificial intelligence software and will produce a warning about any obstacle objects through a voice system.
This E-Glass works through the ultra sonic waves by sending radar signals for a distance from 2 meters to 50 meters and 120 degrees as a vertical and horizontal cover angle along with 60 degrees to cover the right and left, as a result, in total the cover angle will be 270 degrees. See figure 2. One of the characteristics of this E-Glass is that it can identify any small object with a 2 cm2 area or more from 2 meters distance.
This E-Glass will work through the following two phases:
The first radar will be put on the left part of the E-Glass.
This radar will send signals to the left part and will receive signals from the left part. Then, this radar will analyze all the data which are collected, to cover the left part. The second radar will be put on the right part of the E-Glass. It will send signals to the right parts and analyze all the data which are collected from the radar, to cover the right part see-figure 1.
Therefore, after receiving the information from the two radars, it will be analyzed in the artificial intelligence software. This analysis could be done through the first electronic circuit programs that are connected to the two radars.