Cellular network specifications
by barkkathulla[ Edit ] 2012-09-20 16:46:32
<font color=#00004D>SOUND WAVES</font>
Sound waves are converted into digital sound waves by using mike. The speed of the sound signal is 20 to 2000 cycle/sec. in this period its speed is 300000 km/sec. So we can ommunicate the persons all over the world. These two signals are called audio signals.
Speed of the sound wave is 200000 km/sec.
Now days video signals are used to many places, such as camera, television, our cell phones etc. The speed of the video signal is 300000 km/sec.
It is also called sky waves or carrier waves. Because the reason of this waves goes through the sky with the sound and light signals during the transmission. We can measure the RF signal depend on its no. Of cycle. These units are given bellow:
1000 Hz = 1 kHz
1000000 Hz = 1 MHz
1000000000 hz = 1 ghz