G network?
by barkkathulla[ Edit ] 2012-09-20 16:47:33
ïГШ Only voice communication
ïГШ Weight upto 40 kg
ïГШ Motorola first to release to release
ïГШ Further slim down by palm mobiles
ïГШ 1981 Cell phone system developed
ïГШ 1983 GSM launched
ïГШ Voice communication &SMS
ïГШ In 1990âАЩs
ïГШ 1g& 2g frequency overlapped
ïГШ SMS is started in 1991
ïГШ MSP(message service protocol
ïГШ In 1994 survey in USA says SMS 1.0 was developed
ïГШ 1994 fm developed
ïГШ Polyphonic ring tone
2.5 G
ïГШ Mms
ïГШ DTS (data service system )
ïГШ Infrared blue tooth
ïГШ Touch screen