How to destroy cancer cell....through nano technique...
by barkkathulla[ Edit ] 2012-09-20 19:50:16
The nanocell’s surface is designed to avoid drawing the attention of the immune system. The nanocells are small enough (only 200 nanometers) to pass through the tumor blood vessels. They are not small enough to pass through healthy tissue blood vessels.This therapy has many benefits over standard chemo and radiation therapy. Patients are less likely to suffer nausea, vomiting, hair loss and other side effects. Also, when tested on mice, the mice using this therapy lived longer than their counterparts on traditional chemo and radiation therapies. The scientists have already tested the “smart bomb” on mice with skin and lung cancer. About 80% of the mice lived twice as long as those treated with conventional therapy.
Figure cancer cell structure
Most of the “smart bomb” mice lived more than 65 days compared to untreated mice that lived only 20 days.It may be possible to deliver different drug combinations for different types of cancers. The researchers found that the new treatment worked better on melanoma than lung cancer. It's an elegant technique for attacking the two compartments of a tumor, its vascular system and the cancer cells. Scientists caution that it will be a long time before human trials are done. The smart bombs might be used for medicinal delivery for other illnesses.