Twitter Search Tricks

by Geethalakshmi 2010-01-04 21:38:29

Twitter Search Tricks

1.Search for Tweets from a particular Twitter user


To search for tweets from a twitter user, use the above search term.

2.Search for Tweets from a particular user with links

from:twitterusername filter:links

To search for only tweets with links from a twitter user, use the above search term.

3.Search for tweets from everyone with links and a particular term

download torrent filter:links

Let’s say you wanted to search for people tweeting downloadable links about a movie or some goodies, try the above search. Works all the time.

4.Search tweets to one person from everyone (Excluding RTs)


If you want to find out who all sent tweets to a a twitter user of your choice, try the above search term.

5.Search for replies to one person from everyone (Including RTs)


This search will include all the mentions, including replies and RTs.

6.Search for conversations between two Twitter users

from:username1 to:username2

This search will show up all conversations between two users, without the RTs.

7.Search for events(anything) near a place

"event" near:"place"

This search term allows you to search for particular events/happenings or just about anything you want to know happening near a place. Excellent for finding tweetups and other events near your place.

8.Search for other Twitter users within your local area or specified physical distance of any place

lace within:20km

This is an awesome search, that lets you search for twitter users from physical distance around a place. Twitter knows where you are located with your geo codes so things are easy this way. you can select any physical distance from the place according toy our needs (mi=miles, km=kilometres).

9.Search for tweets relating to any term from a specific time period

searchterm since:2009-08-01

This is useful if you are searching for things that are recent or within a timeline. Example, a movie review from the date of its release ?

10.Search for tweets relating to any term up to a time period

searchterm until:2009-08-04

The reverse of the No.9, where you can search tweets upto a certain period of time.

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