Some Facts about SEO

by Geethalakshmi 2010-01-04 21:42:33

Some Facts about SEO

* 84.8% of Internet users utilize search engines to find web sites.*GVU Users Survey

* 71% of all Internet surfers reach web sites through Search Engines.*Nielson Media

* Research has proven that 93% of global consumers use search engines to find and access websites. *Forrester Research

* 85% of qualified Internet traffic is driven through search engines, however 75% of search engines users never scroll past the 4th page of results *Georgia Institute of Technology: Seventh WWW User Survey

* 55% of all Internet sales result from buyers finding the sellers website through search engines.

* Search Engine Marketing was ranked as the #1 website promotional method used by e-Commerce sites. *ActivMedia Research

* 73% of global chief executives (CEOs, CIO's, etc.), say that they prefer to find out about new products online. *

Search engines are one of the primary ways that Internet users find web sites.

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