Be Careful with Attachments

by Mohan 2012-09-21 23:16:02

Hackers try to use some sort of eye-grabbing ploy to get you to open their email and activate the virus, which is always an attachment. Most Anti-virus nowadays stops, or at least warns, you of these high risk attachments and even take measures to protect you. However, on the average 10-15 new viruses are created every day and I personally wouldn't count on any program to 100% protect my pc. That's why I scrutinize any email, if I wasn't expecting an attachment, I won't open it until I had a chance to talk to the sender.

Some of the more common file types used to hide viruses include:

.scr - Windows Screen Saver - USE CAUTION if you receive a screen saver via email. They can contain worms or viruses
.pif - DO NOT OPEN! This is most likely a virus. Clicking it will run a program or code that can mess up your computer.
.exe - executable file - a program that contains a virus, Trojan horse, or worm
.pps - MS PowerPoint (can contain macro virus)
.zip - Zip (compressed) file
.vbs - Visual Basic script
.bat - Executable MS-DOS batch file
.com - DOS executable command
.asp - active server page - internet script
.doc - Word document (can contain macro virus)
.xls - Excel file (can contain macro virus)

This is in no way a complete list. Just because an attachment may have one of these extensions doesn't mean that it is a virus, but it should send up warning flags. Hackers use clever subject lines, and viruses can appear to come from a friend so keep on your toes and don't fall victim to their deceptive traps. Scan those attachments and verify with the sender before opening.


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