Things That A Perfect Guy Would Do

by Mohan 2012-09-22 12:30:08

Things That A Perfect Guy Would Do

i don't know if its true...

1.. Know how to make you smile when you are down .

2.. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice.

3.. Stick up for you, but still respects your independence .

4.. Give you the remote control during the game .

5.. Come up behind you and put his arms around you.

6.. Play with your hair.

7.. His hands always find yours ..

8. Be cute when he really wants something.

9.. Offer you plenty of massages.

10. Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork.

11. Never run out of love.

12. Be funny, but know how to be serious.

13. Realize he's being funny when he needs to be serious.

14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready.

15. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts.

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