Install Microsoft Internet Explorer on Linux

by Subramanian 2012-09-25 16:11:14

You need to use Wine to run IE. But there is a small collection of shell script exists which makes your life quite easy. It is called Ies4linux.

IEs4Linux is the simpler way to have Microsoft Internet Explorer running on Linux (or any OS running Wine).

No clicks needed. No boring setup processes. No Wine complications. Just one easy script and you'll get three IE versions to test your Sites. And it's free and open source.
Install Internet Explorer under Linux

Open terminal and type the following commands:
$ wget
$ tar -zxvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz
$ cd ies4linux-*
$ ./ies4linux

What is IEs4Linux?

IEs4Linux is the simpler way to have Microsoft Internet Explorer running on Linux (Linux dedicated server or any OS running Wine like Mac OS X and other BSDs).

No clicks needed. No boring setup processes. No Wine complications. Just one easy script and you'll get many IE versions to test your Sites. And it's free and open source.

There is also beta support for IE7 and IE8.

Should I use IEs4Linux?

IEs4Linux was born 8 years ago, when IE6 was the most important browser in the world. Linux users needed to test their sites on IE6 and older versions of that time - IE5.5 and IE5.0.

Nowadays, IE6 usage is insignificant and IE5.x no loger exists. IE10 is the current version, and most people already use IE9 or IE8. IEs4Linux can't support this newer browsers anymore, since they're very advanced (a good thing). IEs4Linux had its time helping lots of people support old IE versions. But if need to support most recente IEs, I recommend VirtualBox or VMware running Windows on your Linux/Mac machine. Much easier and reliable.

How can I get this wonderful software?

  • Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu

  • Fedora

  • Gentoo

  • Debian

  • Suse

  • Mandriva

  • PCLinuxOS

  • General Instruction :
    IEs 4 Linux needs two packages: cabextract and Wine. You can install them using your Linux package manager (synaptic, apt-get, yum, emerge etc) or go to their sites.

    After that, download IEs 4 Linux. Extract it. Run 'ies4linux'. Follow the instructions.

    In a terminal, you can do:

    tar zxvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz
    cd ies4linux-*


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