
by Vinutha 2010-01-05 10:08:57

Butter is a creamy dairy product made by churning of curd made from milk cream. It is also used as a condiment and in baking, sauce making, and frying. Butter has fats, vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition Facts and Information about Butter: Butter is extremely rich in minerals like Calcium, Phosphorus and Potassium. It has good amount of Sodium and small amounts of Fluoride, Selenium, Zinc and magnesium.

Vitamin Content of Butter: Butter is extremely rich in Vitamin A and Choline with good amount of Vitamin E, Riboflavin, Niacin and Pantothenic acid. It also has Vitamin K, Folate and Vitamin B12 in small amount.

Calorie Content of Butter: 100g of Butter has 717 calories. Calories from fat are 713.

Health Benefits of Butter: Butter is necessary for thyroid and adrenal health. It is also used in treating fungal infections and candida. It has anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties, protects against tooth decay and builds the muscles of human body.
The butter is not actually butter any longer, it has been transformed into 'adipocere,' a wax-like substance formed from animal fat. (Adipocere is also known as mortuary wax or grave wax, as human body fat may also turn to adipocere under the right conditions - cold, humid, and the absence of oxygen.)

Butter has been colored yellow since at least the 1300s. During the Middle Ages it was colored with marigold flowers.

It takes about 21 pounds of whole milk to make 1 pound of butter.

In 1957 margarine consumption overtook butter consumption for the first time in the U.S. Per capita consumption of butter was 8.3 pounds and margarine was 8.6 pounds.

Powdered butter was developed in Australia in 1962.

The world record for butter eating is 7 quarter pound sticks of salted butter in 5 minutes by Donald Lerman.

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