Google's Website Linking Schemes

by Geethalakshmi 2012-11-26 13:32:04

Google's Website Linking Schemes

Your website page rank is partly based on the quality and quantity of back links that you obtain from other websites. Links that are most relevant to the subject and content of the website will be given a credit. Trying to affect the search quality of a search engines with the link spam will directly or indirectly affect your website's ranking.

Some common Don't of Linking are as follows,

>> Paid Links
>> Excessive Reciprocal Links
>> Linking to websites / webpages unrelated
>> Partnership links bidding
>> Using automated services for linking
>> Text advertisements
>> Low quality directory or bookmark submissions for links
>> Spam forum comments with signatures
>> Re-direction to webpages blocked from search results


The best way to get one way quality backlinks for your website is to build quality content which would attract the members to read, share and link to it. Blogs will be one of excellent place to reach those audience and link indefinitely to your webpages.

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