Current SEO Trends to Increase Page Ranking

by PRanesh 2012-12-01 15:44:14

Search engine optimization is a constantly changing field. Aspects which are relevant today may not be few months from now. You have to stay up to date on what is working and be prepared to change your strategy as the search engines evolve.

Here are some current SEO trends that are working well for ranking in the SERPS.

1. Varied backlinks

Having backlinks from a variety of sources is key. Backlinks from a variety of sources adds value in the eyes of search engines. So, don’t just rely on article directories and Web 2.0’s, throw in social bookmarking, blog commenting, forum profile links, guest posting as well.

2. Nofollow vs dofollow

A popular website will have naturally a mix of nofollow and dofollow links and our link building campaigns should reflect that.

So, don’t break sweat over no-follow/ do-follow. Throw in some no follow backlinks to make the link building appear more natural to search engines.

3. Out Bound Links

Adding a link to an authority site can actually help you to rank better as it may increase its trust in the eyes of search engines. So, link out to authority websites in your niche.

4. Link velocity

Every internet marketer has his own strategy for link building. Some build the same amount of links constantly each day, every day, while others concentrate their efforts for a week in the entire month. Both of these may raise flags of artificial manipulation in the eyes of search engines. It is good to build links constantly. But, make sure you randomize the number of backlinks you build each day so it looks all natural.

5. Multi-tier backlinks

So you have built backlinks to your website. But, who is to say that those will get noticed by search engines? Another recent trend is to build backlinks to backlinks to increase their importance in the eyes of search engine. A backlink to your website which has multiple backlinks from various sources will have a greater affect on your SERPS than a backlink which has no backlinks pointing towards it. This can go on till multiple levels.


6. Social networking

For the past decade or so, social networking has taken the internet by storm. So, apart from the regular ranking factors, search engines also consider how popular a page is in social media circles, how many comments the page has received etc. Incorporate social media as a part of your marketing campaign. A great number of facebook shares likes, tweets, plus ones may translate to better SERPS for you.

7. Increased content

Pages with good content are looked on favorably upon by search engines and can lift your whole site.

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