insert the record in to Cassandra using by Pycassa
by mariganesh[ Edit ] 2013-01-10 12:20:37
Insert the record in to Cassandra using by Pycassa
step1:First create the keyspace in cassandra
step2:use this keyspace create the colum family
step3:Connect the cassandra and python using pycassa
Keyspace : test
Columfamily: record
import pycassa
from pycassa.index import *
def connect():
"""Connect to a test database"""
connection = pycassa.connect('test', ['localhost:9160'])
db = pycassa.ColumnFamily(connection,'record')
return db
def random_insert(db):
"""Insert a record into the database. The record has the following format
ID timestamp
4 random strings
3 random integers"""
record = {}
record['name'] = 'hiox'
db.insert(str(time.time()), record)