Know how to Edit and Remove MetaData from Image Properties

by Preetha 2013-04-29 14:57:53

Every image captured by a digital camera contains some image metadata which provides lots of data about the image depending on the camera. You can get the details like camera name, camera model, exposure time, focal length etc. But if you are sharing the image with someone and do not want to share the metadata details of it then you can erase or edit all the possible image metadata details.

Windows provides the option of removing and editing the image metadata by default. And there are some dedicated good software also available to perform this task. I am going to share both methods with you and you can use the one you want.

How to Edit Image MetaData in Image Properties
1. "Right Click" on the image and click on the "Properties" from the options shown.

2. A dialogue box will be opened . Click on the "Details" tab.

3. Now, you will see lots of details of the image. You will find few of the details like Camera Model, ISO Speed etc are editable. Just click on the one which you want to edit.

4. Edit the properties and then click on the "Apply" and "OK" button to save the changes you have just made.

How to remove Image MetaData using Windows UI

1. Just follow the first two steps shown above to open the "Details" tab of the Image Properties.

2. Click on the "Remove Properties and Personal Information" link.

3. Now, a new Remove Properties dialogue box will appear. Click on the "Remove the following properties from the file" and select it.

4. Just mark and select all the image metadata properties which you want to remove and click on OK button. Now all the image metadata will be removed from the image. You can confirm it by check the properties of the image again.

How to remove Image MetaData

1. Go to the URL

2. Download the JPEG & PNG Stripper software on your computer and open it.

3. Now, just drag and drop the image on the app and click on the Clear button.

All the image metadata will be removed. You can also customize the image metadata removal process by selecting the option provided by the JPEG & PNG Stripper software.

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