How to open Database in TideSDK app
by THavamani[ Edit ] 2013-04-29 16:52:23
There are two ways to use databases in TideSDK
In both cases,
SQLite a is Database..
Method One:
You can open databases in TideSDK using the will create a database in the same directory(Only if the database file doesn't exist.)
Code for method one:
var db ='customdatabase');
Method Two:
Alternatively, you can create a database using the
Ti.Database.openFile methods.
This method accepts a file path or a Ti.Filesystem.File object.
Code for method one:
var db = Ti.Database.openFile(Ti.Filesystem.getFile(
Ti.Filesystem.getApplicationDataDirectory(), 'customdatabase.db'));
Ti.Filesystem.getFile is used to mention the directory to database