Vedic Maths multiply by 9's
by Francis[ Edit ] 2013-05-13 16:06:31
Vedic Maths multiply by 9's
Vedic maths is an ancient mathematics. This formulas formed from four Vedas.
There are 3 type of 9's multiplication.
Multiplier Must be 9's. Here i would explain 2 type of multiplications.
Type I : Multiplicand and Multiplier digits are same
Step 1. Multiplicand value subtract by 1
Step 2. Complement of Multiplicand
Step 3. Append Step 1 and Step 2 values
Example: 456 * 999
Step : 1 ==> 456 -1 = 455
Step : 2 ==> Complement of 456 is 544 (that is 1000 - 456)
Step : 3 ==> 455544 (Its a final answer)
Type II : Multiplicand less than Multiplier digits
Step 1. Multiplicand value subtract by 1
Step 2. Complement of Multiplicand
Step 3. Multiplicand find number of digits lesser than multiplier. Assign (n)
Step 4. Start Step 1 value, next append step 3 n number of 9's and Step 2 values
Example: 45 * 999
Step : 1 ==> 45 -1 = 44
Step : 2 ==> Complement of 45 is 55 (that is 100 - 45)
Step : 3 ==> Number of digit Difference from multiplier and multiplicand n = 3-2 = 1
Step : 4 ==> 44955 (Its a final answer)
Nice. It is easier for me than the other method you have said.