What and who is High Net Worth Individual (HNWI)
by rajesh[ Edit ] 2013-09-11 18:04:48
HNWI is a person with high net worth and will be considered important prople by banks and fianancial insitutions,
So, who are these High Net Worth Individuals and how much money should they have.
HNWI = 1 million $ (US)
In Indian terms it would be around
HNWI (India) = 6.5 Crore INR (based of Sep, 2013 conversion value)
So anyone having 6.5 Crore leaving their primary residence value can be called HNWI
There are around 1.2 Crore HNWI in the world.
Src: http://www.worldwealthreport.com/