biggest weakness can become your greatest strength

by Sanju 2010-01-05 23:27:47

There was a 10 year old boy, who's left arm was damaged and subsequently amputated. He decided to learn judo. His Sensai (teacher) was an old Chinese judo expert.

The boy learned quickly. After three months, he had learned only one move. He asked his teacher to teach him more moves. The Sensai told him that this was all he would need.

Soon after, the boy entered a tournament, where he quickly advanced to the finals, where his opponent was bigger and more experienced. The boy seemed very out matched. After a long match, the opponent seemed to lose concentration. Quickly, the boy
took advantage and pinned what seemed to be his superior opponent.

On the ride home, the boy asked his Sensai. "How could I win with only one move? "The Sensai replied, "You have nearly mastered one of the most difficult moves in all of judo. And, the only defense against that move, is for your opponent to
grab your left arm."

Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your greatest strength.

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