add mysqldump in cron
by Ramya[ Edit ] 2014-02-21 18:46:35
add mysqldump in cron:
In order to add cron job for db using mysqldump use the following line,
* * * * * mysqldump -h remotehostname -uroot -ppwd database > /path to the sql file/
for eg, if you want to backup your db on every friday at 3.10PM, add the following cron job,
10 15 * * 5 mysqldump -h -uramya -pramya userdb > mydb_backup.sql
you can backup multiple databases into a single backup as,
10 15 * * 5 mysqldump -h -uramya -pramya --databases userdb detailsdb > mydb_backup.sql
both the databases will be dumped into a single backup file "mydb_backup.sql"....