How many types in Noun?

by saira 2014-02-24 15:42:06

How many types in Noun?

* 4 Types in Noun.
They are

* Noun-KINDS

Noun-Kinds have 5 types
a) Proper Noun
b) Common Noun
c) Material Noun
d) Abstract Noun
e) Collective Noun

# Proper Noun Means Name of The Particular Person,Name of The Particular Place and Name of The Particular Thing.
Ex-1: Name of The Particular Person : Mahatma Gandhi,Kamarajar.
Ex-2: Name of The Particular Place : London,Chennai.
Ex-3: Name of The Particular Thing : The Quran,The Ramayana,The Bible.

# Common Noun means the Common Name of Things,Place,Person.

# Material Noun means name of the material.
Ex: Gold,Silver

# Abstract Noun means name of the Things Character & Behavior
Ex: Anger,Joy,Hunger

# Collective Nouns means name of the Collection.
Ex: A <u>Bunch</u> of keys,A <u>Gang</u> of thieves,A <u>hive</u> of bees


Number noun have 2 types
a) Singular Noun
b) Plural Noun

# Singular noun means a number of living thing & non-living thing

# Plural noun means so many number of living things & non-living things


Gender noun have 4 types.
a) Masculine Gender
b) Feminine Gender
c) Neuter Gender
d) Common Gender

# Masculine Gender means name of the male living things.
Ex: man,boy,son,horse,tiger

# Feminine Gender means name of the female living things.
Ex: woman,girl,daughter,mare,tigress

# Neuter Gender means name of the non living things.
Ex: table,book,stone

# Common Gender means common name of the male & female living things.
Ex: child,driver,teacher,pupil,doctor

* Noun-CASE

Case noun have 5 types.
a) Nominative Case (or) Subjective Case
b) Objective Case
c) Dative Case
d) Possessive Case
e) Vocative Case

# Nominative Case (or) Subjective Case means the subject of the sentence.
Ex: <u>Banu</u> reads a story book

# Objective Case means whom?'s & what?'s noun answers.
Ex: I met <u>Banu</u> at a library

# Dative Case means, noun comes as indirect object.
Ex: Sulaina gave <u>Banu</u> an orange

# Possessive Case means possessive nouns.
Ex: This is <u>Banu's</u> pen

# Vocative Case means nominative Case of address.
Ex: Come in,<u>Banu</u>

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