Very Useful healthy tips...,
* Eat Bananas
People whose diets are rich in potassium may be less prone to high blood pressure. Besides reducing sodium and taking other heart-healthy steps, eat potassium-packed picks such as bananas, cantaloupe, and oranges.
* Get a Massage
Certain trigger points -- spots of tension in musculoskeletal tissue -- can cause back pain. Ask a massage therapist or other bodyworker who specializes in myofascial release or neuromuscular therapy to focus on these points during a massage.
* Go for Garlic
Adding raw or lightly cooked garlic and onions to your meals may help keep you healthy this winter. Both foods appear to possess antiviral and antibacterial properties and are believed to boost immunity.
* Take Tulsi
Research suggests that this Ayurvedic herb, also called holy basil, may help manage levels of the stress hormone cortisol, helping to boost your mood. Look for teas and supplements in health-food stores and follow package directions.
* Eat Avocados
For dry skin, incorporate more avocados into your diet. They're rich in monounsaturated fat and vitamin E, both of which promote healthy skin. Try them on salads and sandwiches, and even in smoothies.
* Make Small Talk
Engaging in casual conversation with others may help keep you as sharp as doing a word puzzle, according to some studies. Just 10 minutes of daily chatter appears to improve mental function and preserve memory.
* Befriend a Bottle
For heel and arch pain, try stretching your foot by rolling it over a rolling pin or a bottle.
* Eat Japanese Food
In addition to following good dental hygiene, you can help prevent cavities by adding more shiitake mushrooms and wasabi to your diet. Both foods contain compounds that help fight the bacteria that cause plaque and cavities.
* Go Natural
Avoid products that can damage or dry out your fingernails, such as formaldehyde-containing polishes and acetone-filled removers.
* Try Acupressure
Calm a queasy stomach with this quick acupressure trick: Use your index and middle fingers to press down on the groove between the tendons that run from the base of your palm to your wrist. Wristbands that apply pressure to this spot are available at drugstores and online.
* Watch Your Carbs
Trying to reduce belly fat? Pay attention to your carbohydrate intake and avoid artificial sweeteners. Sugary snacks and other refined carbs spike blood sugar and cause pounds to settle in your midsection. Choose whole grains, beans, and vegetables instead.
* Call a Friend
Keeping your social networks alive and well may help benefit your ticker over the long term. Social support has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, and people who do have heart attacks fare better if they are socially connected.
* Drink Cranberry Juice
Cranberries contain a substance that appears to keep bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and has been shown to help prevent UTIs. Because cranberry cocktail is high in sugar, drink unsweetened juice diluted with water or take capsules of powdered cranberry extract.
* Swab Your Soles
Are you tired of having stinky feet? Kill odor-causing bacteria quickly by soaking a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and wiping your soles as needed.
* Drink Mint Tea
Ease occasional indigestion by sipping a cup of peppermint tea after your meal. Peppermint improves the flow of bile, which moves food through the digestive tract more quickly. Use peppermint with caution if you have acid reflux; it can make that problem worse.
* Get Your Daily D
Get your vitamin D level checked with a simple blood test. D is at least as important as calcium for strong bones, and most Americans don't get enough. Get a minimum of 1,000 IU a day through supplements and food.
* Try a Tongue Scraper
To combat bad breath, consider investing in this inexpensive plastic or metal device to remove bacteria from the back of your tongue. Some studies suggest that adding tongue scraping to your regimen may be slightly more effective at eliminating breath odor than just brushing your teeth.
* Find Friendly Fungi
The medicinal mushroom cordyceps has traditionally been used to promote lung strength, and some studies show that it may improve symptoms of respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. Look for capsules or tinctures of cordyceps; follow package directions.
* Break Out the Duct Tape
Stick it to warts with this unusual remedy. Some research found that applying the tape over problem areas for about a week helped clear up warts as well as conventional treatment. Duct tape may work by irritating the skin, triggering an immune reaction that fights the infection typically responsible for warts.
* Wash Up
To fend off colds, washing your hands well and often is the best step you can take. Use plain soap and water and scrub for as long as it takes to sing "Happy Birthday to You" twice.
* Try a Tincture
For that most unpleasant of stomach upsets, diarrhea, blackberry root tincture can help. This herb contains tannins, substances that have astringent effects on the intestinal lining. Look for the tincture at health-food stores or online (try and take 1 teaspoon of it in water every two to four hours until symptoms subside.
* Chew Some Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds are considered a carminative, a substance that helps relieve gas. Chew and then swallow about half a teaspoon of the seeds after meals.
* Have Some Honey
Research suggests that honey may be more effective than over-the-counter cough syrup at quelling nighttime coughing. Use a medicinal-grade variety such as manuka honey and take up to 2 teaspoonfuls at bedtime.
* Eat Broccoli
For healthy gums, put this green vegetable on your grocery list. It's an excellent source of vitamin C and provides calcium as well, both of which have been linked to lower rates of periodontal disease.
* Bone Up on Calcium
Studies have found that supplementing with 500 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily may ease premenstrual symptoms. Other research suggests that getting calcium from foods (low-fat dairy, whole grains, cruciferous vegetables, spinach, and beans) may also ease PMS.
* Seek Out Slippery Elm
To soothe a sore throat, try slippery elm, which can help ease pain by coating irritated tissue. Look for slippery elm lozenges and suck on them as n
* Drink Green Tea
Hot or iced, green tea can help rev up your workout. Its catechins, antioxidants, and caffeine help increase the metabolic generation of heat. Drink a cup about 10 minutes before exercising.
This are of the healthy tips which really helps to keep our body maintain and our health as day to day life had become included every person into an busy life such tips is very helpful and cool.