Google Places Quality Guidelines Updates Allows Only Single Descriptor within Businessname
by Geethalakshmi[ Edit ] 2014-02-26 17:18:38
Google Places Quality Guidelines Updates Allows Only Single Descriptor within Businessname
Google is allowing a single descriptor within the business name, if and only if that descriptor is location information or describes your business offers.
Guidelines for Business Name:
>> Your title should reflect your business's real-world title.
>> In addition to your business’s real-world title, you may include a single descriptor that helps customers locate your business or understand what your business offers.
>> Marketing taglines, phone numbers, store codes, or URLs are not valid descriptors.
>> Examples of acceptable titles with descriptors (in italics for demonstration purposes) are "Starbucks Downtown" or "Joe's Pizza Delivery". Examples that would not be accepted would be "#1 Seattle Plumbing", "Joe's Pizza Best Delivery", or "Joe's Pizza Restaurant Dallas".
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