Easier & Better Way to Add JAR files to Android Projects in Eclipse
by Sasikumar[ Edit ] 2014-02-27 09:37:00
An easier and better way to add external JAR files to Android project or Java project in eclipse is:
<u>Step 1: </u>Make a folder named <i>libs</i> in your android project's root folder
<u>Step 2: </u>Copy and paste <i>JAR files</i> to the <i>libs</i> folder in the project's root folder
<u>Step 3: </u>Right click on the <i>JAR file</i> and then select
Build Path > Add to Build Path. This will create a folder named
"Referenced Libraries" within the project.
Note: Because of this all <i>JAR file</i>s will be in your project and hence you will not lose the <i>JAR files</i>, even when you transfer the project the another location or system.