Tips For A Successful Life

by babujcr 2014-02-27 15:12:25

Tips For A Successful Life

1. Follow your passion. Choose an activity in which you are interested and you value as being worthy. When you follow your passion your energy will be joyfully focused on the task at hand. You will reach peak performances in activities that you enjoy doing.

2. Seek out new activities. Continuously exploring new activities will demand stretching out your capabilities and learning of new skills. You will have lifetime enjoyment and vitality.

3. It is further noted that activities that challenge our competencies support motivation. However, the challenge has to be perceived as reachable. Too difficult challenges can kill enthusiasm.

Exceptionally, for some people the bigger the challenge, the more motivated they are.

4. Seek out environments where you have support for autonomy of action or move away from environments that do not support your autonomy.

When you set your own goals, direction, pace and evaluation, you are more creative and engaged. This enhances your performance and builds your self-esteem.

The last of these self motivation tips is...

5. Faith in life.

Self motivation also comes a person’s worldview, meaning whether a person has faith in life or sees life as being unfair, difficult or distorted. A person who believes in the positive outcome by abiding to a certain number of rules will be self-motivated.

A person, who cannot make the relationship between his/her own behavior and the outcomes, will not be self motivated.

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