Wonder - Mathematics tricks
by saira[ Edit ] 2014-03-06 19:58:32
Wonder Mathematics Tricks
Tricker ask question from you
* You take a one number in (1 to 10 )
Example: you think 1
* you Taken number with add again that(you think) number
Example: 1+1=2
* Add SIX(6) with that result
Example: 2+6=8
* Say,Result half from tricker
Example: 4
Tricks Apply :
Tricker subract 3 in your answer
Example: 4-3 = 1
Tricker anwered you,"you take an one(1) or you think one(1)"
# The answer is correct.
Tricks short form:
Any Number in(1 to 10),again add that number and commonly add 6 & take half in the result and subract 3.you get the answer.
******** Try it..........*******