Setting the browser that opens Link in Thunderbird - in Linux
by Sasikumar[ Edit ] 2014-03-13 10:07:37
To open the links in browser from thunderbird follow the steps below :
Step 1: Open "
Edit -> Preferences", Click "
Advanced" icon.
Step 2: Click "
General" tab, then click on "
Config Editor". Proceed through the warning by clicking on "
I'll be careful, I promise!" button in the "
about:config" dialog.
Step 3: In the Filter search for the following and update as given below,
to update right click on the entry and select
modify for the following entries,
i. Preference Name: Value:
ii. Preference Name: Value:
iii. Preference Name: Value:
to update right click on the entry and select
toggle for the following entries,
i. Preference Name:
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.http Value:
ii. Preference Name:
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.https Value:
iii. Preference Name:
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.ftp Value:
Step 4: Click Ok and close the about:config and then the Preferences window.
Note: Now when you click on a link in ThunderBird, it will prompt you to choose the application with which the link has to be opened. Choose you application and set as default by checking the checkbox.