What is the difference between cc and Bcc in mail?

by Geethalakshmi 2014-03-18 10:43:13

What is the difference between cc and Bcc in mail?

cc stands for carbon copy

bcc stands for blind carbon copy

Carbon Copy [cc:] is useful when you want to send a copy of a mail to n number of persons, along with the receiver. Using this, everyone who receives the mail would be able to see the mail id's of others, who else had received the same mail. This feature is useful when you are sending a general mail to a team, a greetings, any social messages etc.,

Blind Copy [bcc:] works in the same way as cc; but the difference is that, when you represent a receiver in bcc; the original receiver will not be known about the copy sent to the other receiver. For example, if you are sending a mail To;person1@xxx.com and Bcc;person2@xxx.com, person1@xxx.com will see himself as the message's only recipient, while person2@xxx.com will see that you have also sent the message to person1@xxx.com. This feature is useful when you want to send any confidential message to a person, that should be known to other higher officials, if you want to hide the email address of a bcc;person to the receiver.

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