how to calculate sunrise and sunset time in php
by THavamani[ Edit ] 2014-04-04 12:38:59
how to calculate sunrise and sunset time in php?
There is a default function in php to calculate sunrise and sunset time.
Sunrise and sunset time is given below
date_sunrise(date, SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, latitude, longitude, zenith, tzoneoffset);
date_sunset(date, SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, latitude, longitude, zenith, tzoneoffset);
// Set the timezone for your location, because some servers are in different timezone than your location
$myTZ = 'Asia/Kolkata';
// Set the latitude and longitude for your location
$latitude =22.569722; //North
$longitude =88.369722; //West
$zenith = 90+(50/60); // True sunrise/sunset
// Set timezone in PHP5/PHP4 manner
if (!function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
putenv("TZ=" . $myTZ);
} else {
// find time offset in hours
$tzoffset = date("Z")/60 / 60;
// determine sunrise time
$sunrise_time= date_sunrise(strtotime("12-10-2014"), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $latitude, $longitude, $zenith, $tzoffset);
echo "Sunrise time=".$sunrise_time;
// determine sunset time
$sunset_time = date_sunset((strtotime("12-10-2014"), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $latitude, $longitude, $zenith, $tzoffset);
echo "Sunset time=".$sunset_time;
Sunrise time=05:35
Sunset time=17:06
This is the way to calculate sunrise and sunset time in php