SEO tomorrow will be different from SEO today

by Geethalakshmi 2014-04-04 15:26:59

SEO tomorrow will be different from SEO today

SEO will be the permanent strategy for websites in terms internet marketing.

As because,

1) People will always go on search for what ever they are in need, in terms of Google, Social Media or any other search mediums. Hence, SEO will obviously help those companies to appear in the relevant search results.

2) Google, basic algorithm has not been changed since 2001. Though there were constant updates in the codes, algo's, tweaking etc., there were no major change in the fundamental concepts that the search has begin.

3) There were always a solution, there are people to determine fixtures. So what ever happens as long as you keep up with the latest determining factors, you'll be able to play to those strengths.

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